Members' Events

We are always pleased to support and promote events being performed or presented by our members. Events so far notified to us are shown below:

Recitals being performed by our members:

Angela Sones

Paul Spicer, Music Director, Birmingham Bach Choir

Callum Alger, LDOA student member and Director of Music at St Peter's Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton

Peter Morris, Walsall Borough Organist

Simon Lumby

Liam Condon

Cathy Lamb

Ben Lamb

Monday 11th July 2022 from 11am to 12noon, organ recital with Cathy Lamb at Lichfield Cathedral

Richard Syner

See listing below for St Modwen's Burton-on-Trent

Martyn Rawles

Stephen Carleston

Sunday 9th October 2022 at 4.15pm at the Chapel of St John's Hospice, Lichfield, a concert by The Hawkesyard Singers, directed by Stephen Carleston, with Simon Mercer (organ)

Events being presented by our members:

St Modwen's, Burton-on-Trent

LDOA member and Organist at St Modwen's Church, Tony Westerman has organised a series of 2022 organ recitals, on Wednesday lunchtimes from 12.30 to 1.10pm, details as below:

Broadway URC, Walsall

LDOA member and Broadway URC Organist & Choir-director Alan Taylor has organised a series of Saturday morning 'Coffee & Cake' organ concerts at 11.15am (refreshments from 10.30am). Details as follows:

St Peter's Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton

LDOA student member and Director of Music at St Peter's Wolverhampton Callum Alger has organised an Organ Festival 2022, to inaugurate the 2019 restoration of the Father Willis organ. The Saturday recitals commence at 5pm, and details are as follows:

Members' Hauptwerk Projects

With limited scope for putting on events due to Covid restrictions, some LDOA members made good use of free time to embark on their own Hauptwerk instrument projects. For those not familiar with Hauptwerk, in a nutshell it is computer software that takes incoming MIDI signals, looks up the required sounds in a digital sample library recorded from a real pipe organ, and sends the digital sample to a computer's audio interface (sound card). The idea is that by loading different sample sets, you can play repertoire on the type of instrument that the composer would have known, and if you have the technical ability to make your own Hauptwerk organ, you can create very cost effetively a high specification instrument. To assist members who may be contemplating tackling such a project, two of our members have kindly documented their experiences with their Hauptwerk projects, as follows:

Paul Hodgetts' Hauptwerk Project

LDOA member Paul Hodgetts has constructed a four manaul Hauptwerk organ, and for his advice on sourcing parts and construction ideas for building a console from scratch, download here Paul's illustrated Hauptwerk project report.

Greg Lewin's Hauptwerk Project

LDOA member Greg Lewin has taken a slightly different approach from Paul, and has made use of a console from a redundant Nicholson pipe organ as his starting point to construct a 2 manual Hauptwerk organ. For his ideas on construction, download here Greg's illustrated Hauptwerk project report.