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Dorset Association of Organists

Skrabl organ, St Michael the Archangel, Lyme Regis Affiliated to The Incorporated Association of Organists

© Copyright 2025, Dorset Association of Organists (DAO)
Registered Charity No. 277303
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Nigel Church organ, Bryanston School

Welcome to the Dorset Association of Organists.

The inaugural meeting of the Association was held on the 5th November 1937 in Weymouth when it was decided to form the Dorset Association of Organists. The early years of the Association were difficult and membership was very low during the war years but gradually membership grew and today stands at close to 100.

Originally, the Association catered for an area from Poole in the east to the Dorset/Devon border in the west and northwards into the middle of the County. However, in recent years it has drawn members from the whole of Dorset and in 2006 the membership decided to change the name of the Association to the Dorset Association of Organists. The new name became effective from 1st January 2007.

The Association has close links with neighbouring Associations and from time to time holds joint meetings. The catchment area of the Association is a predominantly rural and many of the members are organists of county town and village churches. However, some members do not play the organ at all and are purely interested in the instrument and its music.