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Dorset Association of Organists

Skrabl organ, St Michael the Archangel, Lyme Regis Affiliated to The Incorporated Association of Organists

© Copyright 2025, Dorset Association of Organists (DAO)
Registered Charity No. 277303
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The Dorset Association of Organists (DAO) welcomes all those with an interest in the pipe organ, its construction and its music, whether or not they play the instrument themselves.

The Association usually holds nine meetings a year at various locations throughout Dorset. There are usually no meetings during August, December and January. The Annual General Meeting is held in late March.

The meetings cover a wide range of topics related to the organ and its music, as well as to choirs, and sometimes the role of music in the liturgy. There are visits to hear and play organs, talks and classes on playing the organ and on interpreting organ music, talks and demonstrations on organ building, maintenance and tuning, recitals by members and an occasional celebrity recital, an annual coach outing to a cathedral or similar major location, and social events including an annual dinner. From time to time there are sales of second hand music.

Members receive the Association’s own Newsletter four times a year. This contains details of the forthcoming meetings, IAO news, news about members, announcements including vacancies for organists, and a diary of local recitals and concerts.

The Dorset Association of Organists is affiliated to the Incorporated Association of Organists. This enables DAO members to participate in all IAO activities and entitles them to all the benefits and services provided by the IAO. DAO members can subscribe at a reduced rate to the IAO magazine, Organists’ Review.


The subscription is £12 per year, payable at the Annual Meeting, with £6 a year for a second member living at the same address.

For those under the age of 18 and students in full time education, membership is free.

The annual subscription does not include a subscription to the IAO magazine, Organists' Review.

To join the Association contact the Hon. Secretary, or complete a Membership Application form.


Skrabl organ, St Michael the Archangel, Lyme Regis

Dorset Association of Organists

Membership Application Form