Friezland |

St Thomas,
Werneth |
| |
Our meetings still follow the basic pattem defined all
those years ago, featuring regular recitals, lectures, discussions
and instruction on organ and liturgical music, and all
aspects of the organ, social meetings of various kinds, plus,
of course, regular visits to hear and play organs of note.
In recent years, the Association has received financial assistance
from Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council for the promotion
of a series of recitals on the fine 4 - manual Binns organ
in Rochdale Town Hall, restored by J.W. Walker & Sons
Ltd. in 1979. This support has enabled the Association to engage
some of the top organists in the country to play for us,
something which very few Associations are in a position to do.
Recitalists have included Jennifer Bate, Stephen Cleobury, Christopher
Dearnley, Catherine Ennis, Roger Fisher, Ronald Frost,
Francis Jackson, Simon Lindley, Andrew Lumsden, Wayne Marshall,
Martin Neary, Noel Rawsthorne, John Scott, Gordon Stewart,
Ian Tracey, Carlo Curley and Gillian Weir. Outings have included
visits to the Cathedrals of Birmingham, Chester, Lancaster,
Liverpool, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and York, the Town Halls of
Bolton, Leeds and Birmingham, other instruments in the towns
and cities already mentioned, and important organs in
Edinburgh, Hull, Leeds, Nottingham, Shrewsbury, Stafford and
Wolverhampton. Visits have also been made to the organ
building works of George Sixsmith, Rushworth & Dreaper and
Philip Wood. Regular visits have been made to London over the
years, and members have had the opportunity to play important
instruments in St. Pauls Cathedral, Southwark Cathedral,
Westminster Abbey and the Royal Festival Hall. Important new
organs have featured prominently, including the instruments in
St. Andrew Holbom, Kingston-on-Thames Parish Church, St.
Marylebone Parish Church and St. Martin-in-the-Fields. ln June
1989 a five-day visit to Paris was arranged. Several important
organs were visited and played, including the famous
Cavaille-Coll in Notre Dame, and the fine modern instrument in
Beauvais Cathedral. ln February 1992, a party of 35 members
and friends travelled to Southern Germany, visiting 19 organs
in Heidelberg, Freiburg and Mannheim. In 2008 the highlights
of our centenary year celebrations included another visit to
organs in Paris and a celebrity concert at Rochdale Town Hall
given by Carlo Curley .Members receive regular newsletters,
giving information about forthcoming meetings, and details of
local musical events, mainly organ recitals, in the area. The
Association is always happy to give free publicity to any such