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Bournemouth and District
Association of

Affiliated to

President : Brenda Price

© Copyright 2025 Bournemouth and District Association of Organists (BAO)
Registered Charity No. 1098369
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The Bournemouth and District Association of Organists has been in existence since 1947 (possibly earlier).

Areas covered by the Association are generally south-east Dorset and south-west Hampshire.  This includes Poole, Bournemouth and The New Forest.

Part of the Association’s objectives are "to advance the education of the public in the study of the art of music with special reference to liturgical and organ music".

A meeting is held on most months during the year, ranging from arranged talks, visits to local organs, an annual full day outing to a major venue and an Annual Dinner.  We have been pleased to enjoy trips abroad:

Social events also form part of our annual events.

Members receive a Newsletter published about four times a year, giving news of events and matters of local interest.

In 2003 the BAO became a Registered Charity.

About Us

Zuidbroek Petruskirk, Holland, 2017

Zuidbroek Petruskirk, Holland, 2017