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Bournemouth and District
Association of

Affiliated to

President : Brenda Price

© Copyright 2025 Bournemouth and District Association of Organists (BAO)
Registered Charity No. 1098369
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At the BAO, we are very keen to encourage and support young organists who show interest and potential in wanting to learn to play the organ.

In 2006, we began a Bursary Scheme, the purpose of which is to offer financial assistance towards the cost of organ lessons. It is intended for applicants whose home address falls within the area covered by the BAO, largely including Bournemouth and New Forest. Applicants may be asked to attend an informal interview.

To date, we have been pleased to contribute towards the cost of organ lessons for several students.

If you know of anyone who would like to be considered for a bursary or would like further details, please contact our Hon. Secretary, Margaret Clarke or the Hon. Treasurer, Brenda Price for an application form.


Richmond Hill St. Andrew's URC, Bournemouth - T C Lewis / Willis
