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Bournemouth and District
Association of

Affiliated to

President : Brenda Price

© Copyright 2025 Bournemouth and District Association of Organists (BAO)
Registered Charity No. 1098369
This web site may contain links to external web sites. The BAO does not accept any responsibility or liability
for the content of or consequences of visiting external web sites.

The following is a list of local organists who have indicated that they are available to deputise in our area.  

This list is provided by the BAO without any liability on the part of the BAO. Any contracts formed as a result of this facility are the responsibility of the person requesting the services of an organist and the organist themselves. Having said that, we do hope this serves a useful purpose!

Organists are listed in no preferential order of ability, availability or anything else; the listing is re-sorted from time to time.

Name of Organist


(Greyed-out days = unavailable)

David Beeby

Tel.: 07789 434178
Email: davidwbeeby@gmail.com
Website/Info: davidwbeeby.co.uk

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Bournemouth - 10 mile radius

Chris Greenwood

Tel.: 01202 524607
Email: chrisgreenwood16@gmail.com

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Any

Thomas Thompson

Tel.: 07713 635036
Email: revcounter@virginmedia.com

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Poole - 35 mile radius

Timothy Rice

Tel.: 01425 615147
Email: tjrice135@gmail.com
Website/Info: timothyrice.co.uk

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Any

Steve Robson

Tel.: 07905 451131
Email: steve_robson@hotmail.com

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Any

Charles Thomas

Tel.: 01202 922990 / 07932 438402
Email: charlesthomas1951@gmail.com

Days:  S M Tu W Th F S
Areas: Winton - 10 mile radius

Organists Available

Application Form for listing on the BAO website
as an Organist available to Deputise.